Top 10 Things to Help You Maintain Your Sanity After Divorce
Published 06/06/2012
“Fair” is a matter of perspective.
What seems fair to you may not seem fair to your spouse, to your children, or to a Judge or jury that doesn’t know you. No one is likely to be objectively right or wrong about what is or is not “fair.”
Wishing things or people were not the way they are is a tremendous waste of time.
Try to focus on controlling only those things you can control, and changing only those things you can -- and want or need to --...
Read MoreHow to Select a Divorce Attorney
Published 06/11/2012
The following are guidelines to consider when selecting a family law attorney who is the right fit for your needs:
There is no guarantee that an experienced attorney will fit your needs better than one who has been practicing for a shorter time, but it is reasonable to start with the idea that a more experienced lawyer will have superior better knowledge of other lawyers in the area, and a better idea of what might happen if you take your case before a specific Judge in your community. ...
Read MoreDivorce does not have to be Hyper-Destructive
Published 06/11/2012
While it’s not what anyone hopes for, some couples will find that a divorce is necessary. But is extreme emotional and financial strain really a necessary part of that process?
Our law office takes a different approach to divorce. We believe that you and your spouse can and should choose a more family-friendly, finance-friendly, and less destructive path. We strive to help our clients look at the big picture of their lives, and ask them how they want their futures to look.
We want to...
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